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Scania New Inertia Wheel Retarder Helps Reduce Fuel Consumption

Date:2014-11-11 Source:www.chiantrucks.com

www.chiantrucks.com: Mang trucks are equipped with auxiliary brakes of many kinds, and Scania hydrodynamic retarder is famous for their strong and stable braking. Apart from providing comfortable and easy drivings for the drivers, it can also reduce the daily maintenance for the braking system and save costs for the end users. Scania new Inertia Wheel Retarder can run with inertance after breaking away from the drive system when not in use so that it can save fuel consumption and it can provide stronger braking power.

New Scania retarder R4100D can enter inertia operation mode by breaking away from the drive system when not in use so that it can save fuel consumption. When the retarder is not working, the two impellers in the hydraumatic will not engage with gearing in the gearbox to reduce resistance and energy consumption. The new retarder can save as much as 0.5% fuels on average.

Reduces fuel consumption is the first priority for Scalia vehicles, said Ran Lund, president of Scalia truck business, and he said that Scalia New Inertia Wheel Retarder can not only save fuels but also improve driving and riding experiences. And the new retarder will be launched in the first quarter in 2015.


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