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Sales and production report of trucks in 2014

Date:2015-01-13 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: In December, 2014, the automobile production and sales showed a certain growth compared to the last month and the same period of last year, the monthly production and sales record high. In 2014, both automobile production and sales are more than 230 million vehicles, growth compared with the previous year somewhat fall after a rise.

In December, the production of vehicles is 2.8 million units, up by 5.92% over last month and 7.05% year on year; sales is 2.41 million units, up by 15.27% over last month and 12.93% year on year. Also, the production of commercial vehicles registered 347,200 units, up by 6.47% over last month and down by 2.42% year on year; the sales of that is 349,000 units, up by 2.32% over last month and down by 2.32% year on year.

In December, trucks totally rolled out 279,700 units, down by 5.27% year on year. Also, the production of heavy and medium trucks are 54,600 units and 20,400 units, respectively down by 24% and 9.39% year on year; the production of light and micro trucks are 148,600 units and 56,100 units, respectively down by 6.87% and up by 35.72% year on year.

In December, sales of heavy and medium trucks are 56,300 units and 19,300 units, respectively down by 29.49% and 12.29% year on year. While that of light trucks and micro trucks are 152,800 units and 50,700 units, respectively down by 4.02% and up by 43.44% year on year.

In 2014, China trucks industry totally produced 3.19 million trucks and sold 3.18 million trucks, down by 7.86% 8.92% year on year.


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