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Foton Rowor Start the Internet Marketing Events

Date:2015-03-18 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: During the National Day promotion, some truck makers are trying some new marketing methods, such as the Internet marketing and promotions. And Foton Rowor started the second Internet Sales Festival at the time.

"As part of experiencing marketing, Foton placed many funds and manpower on the Internet Promotion activities, and the Internet Sales Festival is one of the key innovations for Foton Motor, and it is also a new upgrade for China truck industry. "

As a new marketing concept and mode in the digital time, the Internet marketing will trend   intelligent and human-oriented experience marketing. And the truck makers are improve communications with the customers and the potential buyers can improve the experiences of the vehicles before purchasing. Foton Rowor is good at this and they have been trying the Internet marketing since 2003, including many topics, events and Weibo interactive activities, and the series event won many customers praises.

The second Internet marketing event draw more customers and they have more enthusiast to join the events, which marks initial success of the Internet marketing events.

"The buyers are getting younger, and they are rather sensitive to the Internet, and they would like to know about the vehicle via the Internet, so that we are changing our way of marketing to show our truck in a more convenient and fast way, " said senior management of Foton Rowor.


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