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Sales of SAIC Commercial Vehicles: 7785 NAVECO Trucks and 883 SIH Trucks

Date:2015-05-15 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: SAIC released their sales report of April on early of May, and they produced 493307 vehicles in April, up 2.78% over last year, and they sold 442755 vehicles, down 3.93% over last year.


Sales of SAIC Commercial Vehicles: 7785 NAVECO Trucks and 883 SIH Trucks

SIH produced 734 trucks in April, down 82.63% over last year, and they sold 883 units, down 74.91% over last year, and they sold 3010 trucks all together from Jan to April, down 73.5% over last year.

Nanjing Iveco produced 7787 vehicles in April, down 37.8% over last year, and they sold 7785 vehicles in April, 34.63% over last year. From Jan to April, they sold 28410 vehicles, down 36.19% over last year. And SAIC commercial vehicle Company produced 2307 vehicles in April, up 107.09% over last year, and they sold 2363 units in April, up 77.8% over last year, and they sold 9368 units from Jan to April, up 101.55% over last year.


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