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50 SIH Genlyon Tractors to Enter Vietnam Market in July

Date:2015-07-01 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: In recent years, SIH Genlyon trucks are rather popular in Southeast Asia markets, and one Vietnam logistics Company has investigated some China truck suppliers and they finally decided to purchase more than 100 Genlyon tractors, and the first 50 trucks will be delivered in early July this year.

SIH is adjusting their exporting strategy in recent years, and their key markets are shifting from Africa to Southeast Asia, Middle Asia and Middle East markets, and their major products are shifting from Kingkang dumpers to medium and high end dumpers, tractors and semi-trailer trucks as well as special vehicles.


50 SIH Genlyon Tractors to Enter Vietnam Market in July

SIH heavy trucks inherit European technology and they are exploring Central Asia as well as Southeast Asia markets, and this is their first step by exporting trucks to Vietnam.


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