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China Purchased Various Special Vehicles with a Total Value of Nearly 700 Million RMB in October

Date:2015-11-12 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: In October, China purchased a fleet of firefighting vehicles with a total value of 294 million RMB, sanitation vehicles with a total value of 219 million RMB, and special vehicle with a total value of 119 million RMB. It is also mentioning that the amount of special vehicles which are made in China, accounted for a much higher percentage of the total number of the special vehicles purchased in October. According to some experts, such a rise can be mainly attributed to government’s favorable policies and the robust growth of China’s special vehicle industry in recent years.


Those special vehicles made in China have become increasingly popular among domestic customers. Firefighting trucks, medical vehicles, sanitation vehicles are constantly rising when it comes to their status in the business of domestic vehicle manufacturers. 


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