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Beijing: Two Hundred Old Vehicles to be Eliminated

Date:2016-04-26 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: From 2011 to 2015, a total of one million eight hundred and thirty thousand old vehicles have been eliminated in Beijing, effectively promoted the further reduction of motor vehicle emissions. The motor vehicle emissions of nitrogen oxides than in 2010 decreased by 25%.

Especially since 2015, Beijing has carried out the upgrade program of the elimination of old motor vehicles and improved the subsidy standards of scrapped old cars for 8000 YUAN per car. This program has further promoted the city's old motor vehicle scrapped update.

In the first quarter of this year, Beijing also eliminated the high emission of old motor vehicles, which scrapped the number of old motor vehicles grew by 40%.

According to the Beijing 2013-2017 clean air action plan in 2016 focused on the task, 200 thousand old vehicles will be eliminated. Beijing will focus on heavy-duty diesel vehicles, operating of light-duty gasoline vehicle emission standards, overall strengthen of the regulatory in car standards and law enforcement and other aspects, and promote the high emission of old vehicles elimination and vehicle industry structure optimization.


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