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CIMC Enric Wins Energy Award 2017 from Germany’s Business Daily


On September 28, Ziemann Holvrieka, a liquid food equipment and engineering company of CIMC Enric, and Regensburg Brewhouse, a well-established brewery plant with over 600 years of history, won the Energy Awards 2017 from Germany’s Business Daily for their recovery and reuse of energy based on the modularized energy design concept.

CIMC Enric Wins Energy Award 2017 from Germany’s Business Daily

The Energy Awards was jointly initiated by Germany’s Business Daily and GE in 2013. Each year, it is presented to the innovative, forward-looking and promising program in terms of energy optimization and efficiency improvement, and the winning program is assessed and picked out by a reputable energy society in the industry. The winners are all leading companies in their respective fields, which have made significant contributions to the planning and promotion of the reuse of energies.

Over the years, Ziemann Holvrieka has been working together with Regensburg Brewhouse on the R&D and application of sustainable and eco-friendly production equipment and techniques at the Straubing and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, and their R&D achievements are highly recognized by the industry and the public. In 2013, when Regensburg Brewhouse, the oldest brewery plant in Straubing, celebrated its 650th anniversary, it was presented the Federal Award for Excellent and Innovative Techniques, and this success was partly attributable to the efforts of Ziemann Holvrieka. Other major awards include: the Best Practice Label Award presented by DENA, the national energy agency of Germany, for Ziemann Holvrieka’s program of energy efficiency optimization for brewery plants. In addition, Ziemann Holvrieka was nominated for the 2017 Germany Environmental Award. (www.chinatrucks.com)


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