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Sinotruk Launches HOWO G5X for Sea Food Delivery

Date:2018-05-25 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

As the demand for sea food increases in China, Sinotruk recently developed and launched a medium-sized truck G5X specially for delivering sea food. Unlike other goods, sea food needs to be kept alive during transportation so this requires a higher vehicle configuration.Sinotruk Launches HOWO G5X for Sea Food Delivery

Powered by Germany advanced MC05 engine with max torque 830N·m and max power 210 kw, the vehicle can operate at a max speed of 130km/h. Other features include light-weight design which load 300kg more than others, HW90510C 10-speed transmission and large van.

In terms of warranty, it claims a B10 service life of 100,000 kilometers and offers a 1,500,000-kilometer free maintenance for MAN front and rear axle.

HOWO G5X has a cabin that meets Euro standard and adopts Euro style, combined with the rear view mirror, the driver can get a broad enough view. The four-point suspension cabin with indoor decoration and comfort seats and bed also improves the comfort level of drivers.

HOWO G5X fitting with MAN power, large van capability and high fuel economy not only creates value for customers but also fully suits the needs in sea food delivery market. (www.chinatrucks.com)


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