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Cummins and KAMAZ Sign MOU for Electrified Power Solutions

Date:2018-09-28 Source:autostat

Cummins and KAMAZ signed a memorandum of understanding in the development of electric transmissions for a new product line of KAMAZ vehicles on electric traction on September 19th.

KAMAZ and Cummins Inc. Sign MOU in the Expanding of Cooperation

Currently, KAMAZ is actively developing a product line of trucks and buses on electric traction, reports the company's press service. Cummins, in its turn, is expanding the range of engines, by developing an electric transmission (fully electric version and version in a hybrid version) for use in vehicles.

Taking into account the long-term fruitful cooperation of the companies, Cummins and KAMAZ agreed to work together in the field of creating vehicles and electric buses. In particular, Cummins intends to develop and deliver to KAMAZ the prototypes of a fully electric transmission based on high-voltage electric batteries for usage in the segment of city buses and medium tonnage trucks. The Memorandum also presumes the development and delivery of a prototype of hybrid transmission for use in the segment of heavy trucks produced by KAMAZ.

For both projects, the parties will test prototypes on city buses, delivery trucks and heavy trucks produced by KAMAZ. After testing, refinement and certification, the partners will determine the prospects for further joint cooperation in the field of electric transmissions. To implement the signed Memorandum of Understanding, a working group will be created, which will include the representatives o fCummins and KAMAZ. (www.chinatrucks.com)


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