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Encouraging Signs Emerging in Heavy-duty Truck Market

Date:2019-01-03 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Statistics show that China sold 86,000 units heavy-duty trucks in November, 2018. It is expected the sales in December will smash the past records.

From January to November, China’s sales volume of heavy-duty trucks exceeded one million units. In January, March, April, May and June, the monthly sales all hit record highs. However, the market experienced some downward movements from July to October. In November, it exhibited some signs of recovery.

Natural gas powered heavy-duty trucks maintained a continuous growing momentum in sales from late September to November.

Thanks to the Initiative to Win the Battle Against Air Pollution in Three Years released by China’s State Council, over one million fossil fuel powered trucks will be replaced by the end of 2019. Against such a backdrop, the demand for more environmentally friendly new energy trucks and natural gas powered trucks is set to rise fast in this year.


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