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Dongfeng Heavy-duty 14-speed Auto Transmission Gearbox Went Off Production Line

Date:2019-01-11 Author:Trucksen Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On January 3, 18 units 14-speed auto transmission gearboxes, which are independently developed by Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as Dongfeng), officially went off the the production line.

Dongfeng Heavy-duty 14-speed Auto Transmission Gearbox Went Off Production Line

According to Dongfeng, it launched the transmission gearbox development program in 2015. In just three years, it successfully rolled out the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of its first automatic transmission gearbox.

Currently, after going through a one-million-kilometer trial operation, the transmission gearbox, mounted on Dongfeng Tianlong KL truck, officially hit the market on January 6 this year. This marks a great breakthrough for Dongfeng.

Meeting both National V and VI Emission Standards, Dongfeng’s automatic transmission gearbox is fully adaptable to DDi45 and DCi11 medium- and heavy-duty diesel engines. In addition, it has passed several stringent tests at high altitudes and in extremely hot and cold weather conditions with an accumulated mileage of 3.488 million kilometers.


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