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Notice on Closure of Office During National Day Holiday Period

Date:2019-09-30 Author:Will Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Dear Readers:

On behalf of www.chinatrucks.com, I would like to express our warmest wishes and most sincere thankfulness to all our readers around the world. Thanks for all your kind support.

Notice on Closure of Office During National Day Holiday Period

Kindly be informed that during our National Day Holiday, we will have a vacation from 1st to 8th October to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Business will resume as usual from 8 October 2019 (Tuesday) onwards. Should you have any enquiries, please leave message here or contact us through email or mobile phone,

Thanks again.

Contact info:

Email: lir@chinatrucks.com

Phone: 86-10-18610729861

Your sincerely



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