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FAW-Eastern European Company Set Sales Record of Over 1000 Units for CV

Date:2021-08-24 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.org

RUSSIA, August 24 -- Data shows that from January to July this year, the overall sales volume of FAW-Eastern European company (AAK) in Russia increased by 152% to 1054 units compared with the same period last year. While commercial vehicle sales of July recorded an all-time high of 254 units.  For the first seven months, some 1281 passenger cars were also sold in Russia. As of now, Russia has become the first market to reach 1000 units in overseas sales for both commercial and passenger vehicle.

FAW-Eastern European Companies Set Sales Record of Over 1000 Units for CV

With the increasing demand for coal transport vehicles, FAW-Eastern European company began to introduce vehicles with strong power and high cargo body, which are required by local customers. With the introduction of these vehicles, the total sales volume this year has further increased.

"Yakutsk, as Russia’s main coal producing region, there is a growing demand for coal transport vehicles in this area this year. Since coal transport requires stronger power and larger loading capacity, the new products released by FAW-Eastern European company fully conform to the customer’s request." According to the Yakutsk distributor. 

FAW-Eastern European Companies Set Sales Record of Over 1000 Units for CV and PC

In order to meet the market demand for high quality upbody, FAW-Eastern European company continued to develop local suppliers. The upbody built on special purpose vehicles such as truck cranes and cement mixer are all supplied by local European brands. As of the end of July, the sales volume of Special Purpose Vehicles has increased by 110% year on year to 138 untis .

With the sales going up, FAW-Eastern European company began to develop a spare-parts network and improve its after-sales service. Maintenance time has been reduced after the training was carried out for for sub-distributors and spare parts and tools are now stored there. 

FAW-Eastern European Companies Set Sales Record of Over 1000 Units for CV and PC

“We are assured that FAW Jiefang distributor has made much efforts to imporve its after-sales support. We will support FAW Jiefang brand as always.” a local user in Yakutsk was quoted as saying.

FAW Jiefang has been actively exploring the way of marketing strategy and makes transformation to online marketing during the regular COVID-19 pandemic situation. For the first time, FAW-Eastern European company organized an online livestream event where attendees and speakers can interact using stream chat, has proved quite effective.

In future, more and more high quality products and services will be offered to the mutual benefit of the users and to ensure that all the goal of this year can be achieved.


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