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100 Jiefang Hydrogen Fuel Cell Heavy Trucks Delivered

Date:2022-08-17 Author:Bill Source:www.chinatrucks.org

CHINA -- On August 16, 100 18-ton hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks, jointly developed by REFIRE Group and FAW Jiefang, were delivered to customer. These vehicles will then be operated by BESTPATH (Shanghai) IoT Technology. At the same time, Jiefang, REFIRE and BESTPATH signed a three-party strategic agreement to cooperate on promoting 1000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the future.

100 Jiefang Hydrogen Fuel Cell Heavy Trucks Delivered

The vehicle is equipped with a PRISMA 12 + 130kW fuel cell system from REFIRE Group, with five hydrogen cylinders placed on both sides of the frame in a new layout, and a cargo capacity of up to 64 cubic meters. This vehicle features fast hydrogen refueling, low noise, zero emission and long range compared with traditional fuel trucks and full electric logistics vehicles. It can be used by express and e-commerce end customers for some suburban and intercity distribution.100 Jiefang Hydrogen Fuel Cell Heavy Trucks Delivered

At present, some Chinese commercial vehicle makers have already started the commercialization of hydrogen heavy trucks, with FAW Jiefang deploying 300 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Shanghai, Beijing and Shanxi in June this year.


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