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DFAC Debuts New Energy Trucks at Chile EV Auto Show

Date:2022-10-28 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

CHILE(chinatrucks) -- On October 20, the first Chilean Sustainable Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles Show opened to the public in Santiago. Major Chinese automaker Dongfeng Automobile (DFAC) presented three vehicles at the show, including the EM26 minibus, EV 200 mini truck and EV STAR light truck.

The Sustainable Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicle Show is the first and largest specialized exhibition in Chile focused on renewable energy. It is also the first major automotive show held locally since the outbreak of pandemic began in 2019. The show will run from October 20 to 23.

The EV STAR on display is a new energy light truck from DFAC, featuring a new look and an extra-long driving range. It draws much attention upon being on display.  

The Chilean market is set to see strong demand as more and more traditional auto companies step up their transition to the new energy sector. DFAC will take this chance to make a quick layout to develop the new energy market while increasing sales of traditional vehicles.


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