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SANY’s 150-ton Large Mining Truck Was Delivered to Uzbekistan

Date:2022-12-12 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Uzbekistan -- SET150S, a 150-ton large mining truck developed by SANY, was recently delivered to a customer in Uzbekistan, which is the largest Chinese brand mining truck in Central Asia.

SANY’s 150-ton Large Mining Trucks Were Delivered to Uzbekistan

The locals spoke highly of this Sany mining truck and called it a "steel truck", saying that it can smoothly and precisely carry out all instructions under the tough mining area.

According to the personel of SANY Central Asia, it can carry up to 136 tons of stone materials with 78 m3 cargo volume. If loaded with a 100-ton excavator, it would take 15 shovels to fill it up.SANY’s 150-ton Large Mining Trucks Were Delivered to Uzbekistan

The greatest highlight of SET150S is its core power system, which is jointly developed by Sany Group and CRRC.

The vehicle can be powered by either diesel or electric, and the single or dual engines can operate reliably under different operating conditions, through turboelectric control technology and energy flow management. In this way, it can overcome those pain points in traditional mining trucks, such as high fuel consumption, high noise level, serious exhaust emission pollution, while greatly improving its energy efficiency and reliability.SANY’s 150-ton Large Mining Trucks Were Delivered to Uzbekistan

The vehicle has been operating for two months in minus 10 degree temperatures in the mine and is very robust, efficient and reliable.

The customer said “this 150-ton mining truck can bring the same capacity as two 90-ton mining trucks. Very powerful and fuel-efficient, one is equivalent to two".


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