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ConMet Earns PACCAR's 10 PPM Award across Six of Its Production Facilities


Vancouver, Washington April 12, 2023 /chinatrucks.com/ –– ConMet has earned PACCAR’s 10 PPM Award across six of ConMet’s North American production facilities: Canton, North Carolina; Monroe, North Carolina; Chillicothe, Ohio; Clackamas, Oregon; Denton, TX, and Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

ConMet Earns PACCAR

PACCAR, a leading global manufacturer of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks, annually recognizes suppliers who exceed their “10 PPM” quality standard, meaning less than 10 of every one million parts shipped to PACCAR is defective.

“At ConMet, we have the most stringent protocols to ensure optimum quality,” said Ramesh Ramanathan, ConMet’s Chief Operations Officer of North American Operations. “We’re proud of our teams for adhering to such high standards, and we are grateful for PACCAR’s recognition of our achievements.”

“PACCAR’s 10 ppm suppliers achieved and sustained exceptional quality in 2022, reflecting PACCAR’s commitment to provide its customers the highest quality products and transportation solutions in the industry,” said Daryl Simon, PACCAR vice president of quality.

To qualify for the 10 PPM Award, suppliers must also meet demanding criteria for warranty support, and continuous improvement. In 2023, PACCAR has recognized 453 suppliers in 34 countries on 5 continents for achieving this high level of quality performance.


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