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Top 10 countries and regions of China's van export


 Countries (Regions)  Top 10 countries and regions of China's van export during Jan.-Feb.
 Export volume (units)  The amount of commercial trade (dollars)  
Exports in February Accumulate Export market share% Exports in February Accumulate Export market share%
Total 9636 22915 100 165833070 389408147 100
Libya 1839 3595 15.68841 15676978 29524878 7.582
Algeria 1281 3426 14.95091 36500612 89121036 22.886
Iran 1581 2821 12.31071 44004167 82865671 21.28
Iraq 624 1912 8.34388 4536860 13163316 3.3803
Syria 803 1650 7.200524 3090143 6499256 1.669
Angola 376 1043 4.551604 7725250 25117707 6.4502
Vietnam 179 771 3.364608 2177870 7233450 1.8575
Morocco 296 557 2.430722 1226045 2342500 0.6016
Kuwait 22 522 2.277984 171162 3384287 0.8691
Nigeria 189 494 2.155793 3769050 8744321 2.2455

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