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China: On-Road Vehicles and Engines Emission Standards (2)

Date:2010-01-19 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Heavy-Duty Engines

Emission standards for new heavy-duty truck and bus engines are based on the European standards [Regulation GB 17691-2005]. The implementation dates are listed in Table 2. The dates generally refer to new type approvals—first registration of existing vehicle models is typically allowed for one more year.

Table 2
Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines




Euro I



Euro II

2003.09 (2004.09†)


Euro III


Beijing region: 2005.12

Euro IV


Beijing region: 2008.01

Euro V



† production conformity
a - proposed


At the Stage I/II, emissions were tested over the 13-mode ECE R-49 or the Chinese 9-mode test. At the Stage III/V, emissions are tested over the ESC, ETC, and ELR cycles.

Emission durability requirements are generally shorter than the equivalent European standards. At Stages III/IV, the requirements are:

• Category M2 and gasoline engines: 80,000 km / 5 years
• Category M3 ≤ 7.5 ton, N2 and N3 ≤ 16 ton: 100,000 km / 5 years
• Category M3 > 7.5 ton and N3 > 16 ton: 250,000 km / 6 years

Fuel Quality

Low sulfur diesel fuel (S ≤ 500 ppm) is available nationwide since 2004. In the Beijing region, the maximum sulfur level in diesel and gasoline fuels is 50 ppm effective 2008.01.

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