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Market analysis of semi-trailer tractors Jan. to July

Date:2011-09-09 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Part One: General analysis of China auto industry

July is the traditional slack season for sales of auto, and sales of auto decreased over June, and sales decreasing of commercial vehicles were bigger than passenger vehicles.
1,306,100 auto and 1,275,300 auto were produced and sold in July, down 6.96% and 11.19% over June, and down 1.26% and 2.18% over last year.

Part Two: General analysis of commercial vehicles
Sales of semi-trailer tractors increased a lot among commercial vehicles. And sales of non-complete cargo vans decreased the most.

Sales of commercial vehicles from Jan. to July, 2011

Production and sales volumes of commercial vehicles were 2,366,800 units and 2,478,100 units from Jan. to July, down 7.00% and 4.68%, in terms of vehicles, production and sales volumes of semi-trailer tractors decreased slightly, and production and sales of other vehicles decreased a lot. Production and sales of cargo vans, buses and non-complete buses and coaches decreased to some extent, and production and sales of buses increased over 10%.


Part Three: Market analysis of tractors

143,740 semi-trailer tractors were produced till July, down 36.54%, and 153,779 semi-trailer tractors were sold, down 32.80%.

Sales of semi-trailer tractors were from 2010 to July, 2011


Sales of heavy trucks were rather hot in Jan., and the sales growth started to slow down in Feb. and sales in March hit the record high. Sales of semi-trailer tractors started to decreased in April.

3,336 semi-trailer tractors less than 25 tons were sold from Jan. to July, down 20.04%, and 134,942 units between 25 tons to 40 tons were sold, down 36.48%, and 15,501 semi-trailer tractors above 40 tons were sold at the period, up 26.82%.

Sales of semi-trailer tractors are mainly from 25 tons to 40 tons, and we can also judge that sales of heavier semi-trailer tractors are getting more since 26.82% of the sold tractors were over 40 tons. And Chinese customers prefer semi-trailers tractors with bigger tonnage, larger power horse and lightweight.

Sales of semi-trailer tractors in different areas from 2009 to July 2011


The market needs for semi-trailer tractors are mainly East China and North China, and sales of tractors take over 60% in the two areas, and then it comes Central China and Northeast China.

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