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SHACMAN Aims to Sell 155,000 Units Heavy-duty Trucks in 2019

Date:2018-12-04 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.com

At SHACMAN Heavy-duty Truck 2019 Business Annual Meeting held in Xi’an on November 26, Liu Xiangtao, General Manager in charge of the company’s sales, announced that SHACMAN aims to increase its domestic sales t0 155,000 units in 2019. More specifically, the company is set to increase the sales of its trucks to 78,400 units, self-dumping trucks to 44,600 units, special vehicles to 17,000 units, cargo trucks to 15,000 units, natural gas powerd trucks to 18,500 units.

SHACMAN Aims to Sell 155,000 Units Heavy-duty Trucks in 2019

According to Liu, SHACMAN’s sales in 2018 is expected to reach 140,000 units with its market share standing at 15.5%, ranking the third place in the industry.

So far, SHACMAN’s trucks with National VI Emission Standards have already passed stringent tests in areas with high altitudes or extremely high or low temperatures. Having passed 15-million-kilometer endurance test, over 50 truck models with high environmental friendliness have made their way to Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities in China. With a displacement ranging from 4 liters to 15 liters and a horsepower from 220 to 660, SHACMAN currently boasts a wide spectrum of truck products for various segment markets.

In the early half of 2019, SHACMAN will roll out dozens of new truck products with National VI Emission Standards. While solidifying its position in the fossil fueled truck market, the truck maker has revealed M6000 cargo trucks and H6000 trucks for the high-end heavy-duty truck market.

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