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JMC Sold 5083 Light Trucks in January

Date:2020-02-25 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Data released by JMC showed that the sales volume of all vehicles types reached 15050 units in January, up 5.1 percent over the previous year.

JMC Sold 5083 Light Trucks in January

JMC confirmed there was a 627.27 percent rise in the sale of heavy-duty trucks over the past month, and a 6.34%-percent increase in the number of light trucks sold. In sales volume, a total of 80 units of heavy-duty trucks and 5083 units of light trucks were sold in January.

Pickup sales stood at 2909 units in January and a decline of 4.87 percent from the same month last year, JMC data showed.

During the period, Complete Knocked Down exports posted the biggest slump of 15 percent with a sales volume of 272 units.

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