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JAC Heavy-duty Trucks Sales in February Totaled 1415 Units

Date:2020-03-11 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Today, JAC announced production and sales figures for all vehicles and chassis for February and the first two months of 2020 (January-February). In February, JAC’s production declined from a year earlier by 66.86 percent to 10494 units and sales volume fell by 63.43 percent to 11550 units.

During January to February, the production and sales volume fell by 44.21 percent and 42 percent respectively, with 48192 units manufactured and 49315 units sold, according to figures released today by JAC.

In heavy-duty truck sales, JAC saw a year-on-year decline of 47.4 percent to 1415 units in February, and 24.17 percent decline to 5366 units in January and February.

In medium truck sales, JAC saw a year-on-year decline of 51.81 percent to 360 units in February, and 16.44 percent decline to 1484 units in January and February.

In light truck sales, JAC saw a year-on-year decline of 70.15 percent to 5079 units in February, and 44.19 percent decline to 23378 units in January and February.

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