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Foton Hit a New Record High with 320,000 Vehicles Sold in H1

Date:2020-07-07 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.comwww

In the first six months, Foton Motor posted record sales as the phase-out of heavy emission vehicles and the staged success China has achieved for combating the coronovirus epidemic.

Foton Hit a New Record High with 320,000 Vehicles Sold in H1

During the first half of this year, Foton vehicle sales amounted to around 320,000 units, rising 17.6 percent from the previous year, according to the latest statistics.

In particular, since the outbreak of the epidemic, Foton has realized the growth against the trend in the first five months. Under such context, FOTON continue to achieve a great success in June with an estimated 66071 heavy trucks sold and 47.9 percent surging year on year. This brought Foton’s total automobile sales to 320,168 units in the frist half of this year, with an increase of 17.6 percent year-on-year.

Foton Hit a New Record High with 320,000 Vehicles Sold in H1

Foton’s subsidiary brands also achieved a major breakthrough in each segment. Specifically, 65,000 Foton Auman heavy-duty trucks were sold, up 42 percent year-on-year, accounting for 81.2 percent of the annual task. AUHAWK AUMARK medium truck slaes in the first half of this year were 30,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 25.9 percent and accounting for 53.8 percent of the annual task. Forland sales amounted to 140,000 units. Aullin saw an increase of 34.5 percent in medium and light-duty truck segment with a total sales of 50,000 units. All brands have posted an eye-catching results by achieving the previously set goal for H1.

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