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Foton Saw Sales Growth for 7 Months in a Row

Date:2020-11-27 Author:Linda Source:www.chinatrucks.com

In October, Foton sold 60,978 units trucks, up by 29.1% year on year. More specifically, it sold 10,680 units heavy-duty trucks, up by 54.8% year on year;12,293 units Aulin medium- and light trucks, up by 51.8% year on year; 6,157 units Ouhang & Aumark medium- and light trucks, up by 43.8% year on year; 25,899 units Shidai trucks, up by 17.2% year on year.

From January to October, Foton sold over 563,000 units trucks. Having already built a truck development and certification system which fully integrates the working scenarios, geographic locations and working conditions, Foton has built 253 scenarios and thus rolled out different trucks for long-distance logistic services, intercity logistic and urban logistic services. It can also provides vehicles with tailor-made features to suit customers’ special needs.

Recently, Foton established Commercial Vehicle Light Weight Technology Alliance, which aims to help trucks cut their body weight by designing new structures, introducing new materials and new manufacturing techniques. According to the truck maker, it has already realized over 20% weight loss for its trucks thanks to the using of aluminum magnesium alloy, high-strength still, low-density non-metal composite materials.

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