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Overseas Voice


Company Name:Labana Global Ventures


Message:I’m interested in 10 units of 6x4 Shacman Dump-truck for delivery to Lagos. Please send me favourable quotation as soon as possible.



Company Name:Poshcar Dealership Ltd


Message:We would like to get some information on a 9 cubic meter Foton Auman concrete mixer truck. Please provide quotation and specifications.


Response:We are glad to receive your inquiry letter regarding Foton Auman mixer truck. We are pleased to enclose the latest price list for your reference. If you have further inquiries, please feel free to contact us. We shall be glad to assist you.



Company Name:School of Signal


Message:How can I get help with the JMC Boarding Model 2013 ,2.8 Engine parts,I want to start ordering parts from your factories.



Company Name:Steel Buildings LLC


Message:We have 1 Shacman Trailer in our company, which we purchased from GENSERV Muscat Oman, now we want some spare parts for our Shacman which are not available in Oman even in GENSERV & there is no dealer of Shaman also in all over Oman. Please provide any dealer details in Muscat, Oman, otherwise give the prices for the mention Parts so we could import form your side.


Chinatrucks is an online tuck industry media, engaging in distributing news on China trucks and parts across the world and also we help individuals and company to do business. If you have any inquiry or advice, please leave us a message at bottom or email at:

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China Trucks Industry Tour

www chinatrucks org is a professional truck media with over 20 years of history in the field of commercial vehicle report We have set up good and long term partnerships with almost all China truck manufacturers and parts suppliers including Foton, Sinotruk, FAW Jiefang, Shacman, Sinotruk, Hino, JMC, JAC, Dongfeng, SAIC Hongyan, Alison, Cummins, FAST etc...[more]

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